Green Tea's Active Ingredients


Since early days, green tea has been valued as a classic pick-me-up for keeping the body and spirit in ideal condition. Today, medical research has established many of the historically held beliefs regarding green tea.  Major research has been conducted involving green tea and it's link to cancer prevention.  Other research demonstrates that green tea increases the heart's resistance to cardiovascular diseases, inhibits dental cavities, increases life span, cleanses the body, and vamps the immune function.  

The summary below is a  brief outline of the most fundamental active ingredients in green tea.

These types of antioxidants are the components in tea and are responsible for potentially fighting off diseases.  Just to get a bit more technical: polyphenols consists of epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate.

Small amounts of caffeine are found in tea. Theobromine and theophylline are similar substances also present in green tea, and they also have effects to those in caffeine.

Fragrant oils
As many as five hundred distinct aromatic oils in tea leaves play a role in the taste and aroma of tea.

In small amounts, tea possesses vitamins- Green tea has 10x the amount of vitamin C of in that of black tea.  Minerals, such as, chromium,calcium, iron, copper, zinc, fluoride and amino acids only to mention a few.

Each and every variety of tea consists of a minimum amount of polyphenols, but the minimal handling that green tea undergoes through guarantees that the majority of its polyphenols remain intact in the final product, which means that green tea has excellent antioxidant prospects. So, make today the day you decide to bring tea into your life and reap all of its health benefits.

Felicia B